(Expat) consultancy & secondment solutions

A reliable partner for your staffing solutions.

Always a suitable solution

for temporary staff hiring.

AAme has several entities specifically set up to work with self-employed and highly skilled seconded employees for the Dutch and Belgian labour market.

AAme Solutions provides these services through contracting, consultancy, payroll, staffing and for working with self-employed people: secondment through approved framework agreements by the tax authorities.

AAme Premium Solutions & AAme Management Precision:
NEN-certified consultancy solution (SNA registered and registered with the IND for the Highly Skilled Migrant Ruling).

AAme Flex Solutions:
NEN-certified employment agency solution under the NBBU collective labour agreement (SNA registered and registered with the IND for the Highly Skilled Migrant Ruling).

AAme Contractor Solutions No. 1:
Solution for working with self-employed contractors (or freelancers) in the Netherlands.

AAme Contractor Solutions No. 10:
Solution for working with self-employed contractors (or freelancers) in Belgium.

Expats services

For every situation, we offer staffing solutions under the NBBU CLA for professional intermediaries in the labor market. We can help you determine the best form of employment and the best financial situation. We support you in correctly carrying out the payroll administration and we also support and advise both the expat and the company in tax and accounting matters. We can also assist you in applying for various permits, such as work permits and residence permits.

A1 certificate

A1/certificate of coverage is the name of a European form. It certifies that the employee is socially insured in the Netherlands. This form is required in many countries in order to work. The form confirms that it is not the rules of the country of employment, but those of another country that apply to the employee. Our salary consultants regularly apply for the A1 certificate on behalf of clients. We will be happy to support you.

NEN-4400 certification

The NEN-4400 certification is a standard in the Netherlands by which organizations can prove that they have properly arranged their financial affairs. We unburden you by supervising these inspections. We assure you that the right information is collected so you will go through the inspection without worries.

AAme has the NEN-4400 certification and is therefore included in the Register Normering Arbeid (view the declaration of registration). This limits the risks of hirers of labour and principals of work who make use of our services.

Do you want to know what the SNA quality mark exactly entails? Click here!

Highly skilled migrants scheme

A highly skilled migrant is a highly educated immigrant. A non-European highly skilled migrant can come to the Netherlands to work under certain conditions. You can apply for the Highly skilled migrants scheme for the foreign employee, provided the foreign employee qualifies as a knowledge migrant. For this, the employer must be a recognized sponsor with the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND). AAme is registered with the IND. Therefore you can also use one of our contracting constructions to arrange the work permit or knowledge migrant scheme for your foreign employee in the Netherlands.

The 30%-ruling

The 30% ruling allows employers of incoming employees (expats / contractors) to provide a tax-free allowance. This allowance is for the so-called extraterritorial costs (expenses) that an employee incurs as a result of a temporary assignment in the Netherlands. To be eligible for the 30% rule and the expense allowances, the incoming employee must meet various criteria.

Our specialists have the necessary knowledge and experience to handle the application process for you. AAme can assess whether you or your employee is eligible for the above schemes. We can then apply for them with the Tax Office or the IND.

Working with self-employed people

If you want to work with self-employed people, there are all kinds of tax and legal pitfalls that employers regularly have to deal with. With the introduction of the Deregulation of the Assessment of Employment Relationship Act (DBA), it has become even more difficult for employers to offer contracts to the self-employed. The DBA law looks at various factors to assess whether there is a labor agreement.

AAme can serve as a contract party or a consulting party. Please see the following pages:

Work and residence permits

There are various residence permits to work in the Netherlands. Which residence permit you need depends on the job, the duration of your stay and other criteria. We are happy to discuss your situation with you in order to apply for the right permit for you.

Cross-border employment and training

Employees coming to work in the Netherlands from abroad are often recruited through recruitment agencies. We offer training to recruitment companies if they want to do business in the Netherlands. In this training we explain the peculiarities of the Netherlands, so you know what to look for when someone will start working in the Netherlands.

More information

If you want more information about our (expat) consultancy and secondment solutions, please contact us or consult our knowledge base.


(Expat) consultancy and secondment solutions.
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