AAme Accountants and Tax Advisors attaches a great deal of importance to satisfied customers and we therefore constantly work on the quality of our service.
However, where work is performed, mistakes can be made and misunderstandings may arise. If you are dissatisfied with one of our employees, with our service or with any aspect of our organisation whatsoever, we explicitly invite you to inform us of that fact as soon as possible. We take your remarks very seriously and where appropriate we will look for a suitable solution together.
Often complaints can best be solved during a good conversation (by means of telephone or in person); we therefore ask you to contact us first for a consultation regarding the problem by means of telephone or for making an appointment.
If the complaint involves a certain person, it is preferable that you first attempt to find a solution with the person concerned. If this is not possible or if you have any reasons for not wanting to do so, you can also contact Mr W.A. van Leeuwen (in case it concerns the functioning of the latter, you may also ask for Mr A.A.M. de Poorter).
If your problem is not solved with a conversation or if, in your opinion, the complaint is not suitable to discuss in a telephone conversation, you can formally submit the complaint in writing. This can be done through the form you can download from our website; you can then send the completed form by mail or e-mail it to the attention of Mr W.A. van Leeuwen (the same also applies here: if Mr W.A. van Leeuwen himself is involved in the issue, we request you to send the form to the attention of Mr A.A.M. de Poorter).
Moreover, you may also choose to inform one of our employees regarding the complaint by means of telephone. Expressly state you would like to have the complaint handled through the official complaints procedure. In that case the employee will complete the complaints form during the telephone conversation; you will receive two copies of this form. We ask you to return one signed copy.
The procedure will then be as follows: Mr W.A. van Leeuwen (or Mr A.A.M. de Poorter) will handle you complaint as soon as possible and consult with you and the other persons involved in order to reach a satisfactory solution. In case it is not possible for him to reply substantively within a few days, he will at least confirm the receipt of your complaint within a couple of days. In most cases he will also contact you in order to discuss the next steps. You may be asked for a further explanation or more information.
The goal is to handle your complaint no later than within three weeks. Should this period be exceeded you will be informed of the reason and you will also be kept informed regarding the progress of the procedure. After the completion of the complaint you will obviously receive a written confirmation of the outcome of the procedure.
Partially in connection with professional regulations, all aspects of the handling of your complaint will be recorded. Obviously the information will be handled accurate and confidential. In certain situations it may be necessary to seek external advice at professional independent authorities. When submitting your formal complaint you will therefore be asked for permission to make (copies of) relevant documents available to those possible experts. As it is customary for us, we will ask them to sign for confidentiality.
Finally: if you have a complaint and you inform us of that fact, we highly appreciate that. For by doing so, you give us a second chance. You may be assured that we include all substantiated complaints in the evaluation of our organisation and that we will do whatever we can to take measures in order to minimise recurrence of the relevant problem.
We hope for a good further relationship and cooperation.
The Management Board of AAme Adviseurs